Friday, February 13, 2009

? (Judge me why don't you)

Truth? What Truth? There's no such thing. There's me, there's you and there are lies which include me and you. The fact that you think that there actually exists something which can clarify or redeem the world just proves that you are a goat (that's the semi truth). Do you honestly think that there is this universal verisimilitude that will explain away all your doubts, your fears, your insecurities. You've also just proved that denial is not just a river in Egypt.
I don't understand people who go out in search of this non-existent entity, like their lives will somehow be enriched by finding it. Except there's nothing to find. Because there's nothing there.

Why did we lose so many in the Mumbai attacks?

Why is nothing being done to help young girls who are needlessly being harassed?

Why must religion always be an underlying thought (or blatant means of discrimination for some)?

Why did Varun have to die?

So many questions. So few answers. Anyone know the truth?

No. Because it's not there. It's never been there. It's an unattainable force which impregnates our hearts with emotion (patriotism..anger..frustration..grief..) but always leaves us wanting more.
But wait. The "truth" isn't infinite. Believe it or not, there's more. There's life. There's sunny days. There's war and creation. There's hot coffee with biscuits. There are those days when you just want to sleep and those where the world seems to be conspiring against you. There's Coming back to life and Strawberry Fields forever. There's me. There's you. There can be an us. And that's what is real. That, my friend, is the ultimate truth. Or better yet, the ultimate lie. Because lies exist. Lies don't keep you running. Lies are, what they are.
No more, no less.

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