Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm going back to the start.

Greetings fellow bloggers and reader people!
I be the eccentric daydreaming loner with random observations,opinions and slightly stupid remarks!Woohoo!
Ok, there goes my quota of bubbliness for the day.
So here goes my first official blog entry.I shall try not to bore you too much!
Although I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm talking to myself.
Regardless, I hereby give my solemn vow not to:
b)Be too descriptive
c)Write anything about Chetan Bhaghat (unless I'm trashing him)
d)Use expressions like "100 watt smile","ttyl" and "sexed-out".
e)Reveal my secret identity.*looks left.looks right*
That's it I guess.Hope you like my writing!

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